
  • Creating Responsible Bioeconomies

    There is a need for the discussion of RRI in advanced biotechnology to be expanded to include the holistic concept of bioeconomy. In a series of future events, SYNENERGENE will take aspects of the bioeconomy into account. More
  • #SynbioForum: Read Rathenau's Storify of the event!

    Curious to know what happened at the #SynbioForum? Want to see some pictures? Read the Rathenau Institute's great summary of all tweets. Go to Storify
  • iGEMer’s Guide to the Future

    The iGEMer’s Guide to the Future is an interactive web-based tool that supports iGEM teams in their integrated human practices work and to do responsible research and innovation. More
  • Responsible Research and Innovation in Synthetic Biology

    Synenergene was a four-years project supported by the European Commission, aiming to establish an open dialogue concerning the potential benefits and risks of synthetic biology. The project ended in 2017. read more
16/11/2016 - 18/11/2016

The 7th biannual conference of NTA, the network of technology assessment institutions in German-speaking countries, is held under the theme '

Universitätsclub Bonn
Konviktstraße 9
53113 Bonn
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19/03/2015 - 13:30

TA-SWISS, Switzerland's centre for technology assessment, is organising a workshop and public debate on synthetic biology.

Kongresszentrum Allresto
Effingerstrasse 20
3008 Bern
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25/02/2015 - 27/02/2015

Umweltforum Berlin
Pufendorfstr. 11
10249 Berlin
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09/02/2015 - 10/02/2015

The Fellowship for Evidence Based Policymaking, a cooperation of the Rathenau Instituut, the Karlsruhe Institute for Technology (KIT), and the Graduate School of Public Policy of the University of Tokyo, announced a two-day seminar on evidence bas

Flanders Academy of Science
Hertogsstraat 1
1000 Brussels
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Co-ordinated by  Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences, partners in the EU-sponsored project "EST-Frame" has worked in the last three years on developing methodologies and tools for social impact assessment and technology evalua

Covent Garden Building
Place Rogier 16
1210 Saint-Josse-Ten-Noode
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15/09/2014 - 19/09/2014

Center for Literary and Cultural Research Berlin
Schützenstr. 18
10117 Berlin
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