STOA Study: Making Perfect Life (2012)

STOA Study: Making Perfect Life (2012)

This report, edited by Rinie van Est and Dirk Stemerding (Rathenau Instituut), is the results of the project ‘Making Perfect Life’ that was conducted for the Science and Technology Options Assessment (STOA) Panel of the European Parliament.

The project looked into four fields of 21st century bio-engineering:

  • engineering of living artefacts,
  • engineering of the body,
  • engineering of the brain, and
  • engineering of intelligent artefacts.

The report shows how developments in the four fields of bio-engineering are shaped by two megatrends: “biology becoming technology” and “technology becoming biology”. These developments result in a broadening of the bio-engineering debate in our society. The report addresses the long term views that are inspiring this debate and discusses a multitude of ethical, legal and social issues that arise from bioengineering developments in the fields described. It also addresses European governance challenges in 21st century bio-engineering.

The report "Making Perfect Life" is available on the STOA website.


An earlier "monitoring report (phase II)" of the project is also available, providing more detailed analyses of the four fields of 21st century bio-engineering:
"Making Perfect Life - Bio-engineering (in) the 21st Century. Monitoring Report Phase II"


Rinie van Est, Dirk Stemerding (eds.)