Discourses on Synthetic Biology in Europe (2013)

Discourses on Synthetic Biology in Europe (2013)

"Discourses on Synthetic Biology in Europe" is a working paper published by Rathenau Instituut in the context of the project "Global Ethics in Science & Technology". The report aims to provide an overview of the current state-of-affairs in the SynBio debate.

To this aim, it analyses a collection of reports on SynBio and identifies three discourses that are said to be commonplace in early phases of new and emerging science and technologies: discourses on innovation, risk, and power & control. The authors look at the role of values and lay morality in these three discourses and address how European reflective ethics voices engage with SynBio.

(published here with kind permission by the authors, some rights reserved)

Dirk Stemerding, Virgil Rerimassie