Biosecurity regulators raise awareness among scientists and policy makers

Biosecurity regulators raise awareness among scientists and policy makers

The European Biosecurity Regulators Forum and its member organisations are actively spreading information about biosecurity regulations and practical ways to implement them. The forum was established as a working group under the EU CBRN Action Plan (for Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear threats) in 2013, and currently has members in Denmark, France, Germany, The Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. Biosecurity experts from these organisations give presentations and organise trainings during Biosafety and Biosecurity related events. Recent conferences are the 7th “Annual International Symposium on Biosafety and Biosecurity: Future Trends and Solutions”, Palazzo Greppi, Milan (Italy), 22 to 24 March 2017 ( and the 20th EBSA conference, Madrid, Spain, 25-28 April 2017 ( Biosecurity and biosafety risks of synthetic biology are among the issues discussed.