The advisory board
The SYNENERGENE advisory board provides ongoing feedback and advice to the consortium and the individual members and helps establish links with important European networks in the scientific communities, CSOs, communication networks, and countries other than the partner countries. The expertise and networks of the board's members complement each other and help to strengthen core elements of SYNENERGENE.
The following persons are members of the SYNENERGENE advisory board:
Jane Calvert
is a Reader in Science, Technology and Innovation Studies at the University of Edinburgh. She has a background in human sciences (Sussex), philosophy of science (London School of Economics), and science policy (Sussex). Her current research focuses on attempts to engineer living things in the emerging field of synthetic biology. She is also interested the governance of emerging technologies, intellectual property and open source, and interdisciplinary collaborations of all sorts.
Arie Rip
is emeritus Professor of Philosophy of Science and Technology in the School of Management and Governance of the University of Twente. He studied chemistry and philosophy at the University of Leiden, did research in physical chemistry, and switched Science, Technology and Society studies more generally. He was guest professor of science dynamics at the University of Amsterdam (1984-1987) and President of the international Society for Social Studies of Science (1988-1989).
Wolf-Michael Catenhusen
was Parliamentary State Secretary at the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research and currently is deputy chair of the German National Regulatory Control Council and the German Ethics Council. 2006-2011 he has been chairman of the Federal Nano-Commission.
Roland Eils
is Division Head for Theoretical Bioinformatics at the DKFZ. He became Acting Director of the Systems Biology Center BioQuant at the University of Heidelberg and Co-Director of the Heidelberg Center for Personalized Oncology – DKFZ-HIPO in 2011.
Annette Kremser
studied biology at Braunschweig and Kiel. For her PhD studies she chose the Max-Planck-Institute for Evolutionary Biology. Annette Kremser is now Head of Strategy, Communication and International Affairs at Division Life Sciences, Health, Universities of Applied Sciences atProject Management Jülich. She was coordinator of the ERASynBio Network.
Randy Rettberg
Roel Bovenberg
is Corporate Science Fellow at DSM with an expertise in screening, strain development, metabolic engineering, and societal aspects of Industrial Biotechnology (especially rDNA and GMM) and holds a honorary professorship at the University of Groningen (chair Synthetic Biology and Cell Engineering). He is member of the World Council on Industrial Biotechnology, the International Advisory Board of GIM (Genetics of Industrial Microorganisms), as well as the Synthetic Biology Engineering Research Center, USA.
Michele Garfinkel
is the Manager of the Science Policy Programme at the European Molecular Biology Organization in Heidelberg, Germany. Until March 2011 she was a policy analyst at the J. Craig Venter Institute. She graduated in Genetics from the University of California, Berkeley and obtained her Ph.D. in Microbiology from the University of Washington, Seattle.
Victor de Lorenzo
is head of the Laboratory of Environmental Molecular Microbiology at the National Center for Biotechnology. He specializes in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology of soil bacteria (particularly Pseudomonas putida) as agents for the decontamination of sites damaged by industrial waste. His current work maps at the interface of Synthetic Biology with Environmental Biotechnology.