iGEM 2016 team Marburg

iGEM 2016 team Marburg

Globalization radically changed the world we live in; the way we communicate and travel has become much easier. On the downside, our need for resources has dramatically increased causing ecological and social problems like land-grabbing. Humankind already is consuming so many resources and producing waste that approximately 1.6 earths are needed to cover all its needs. We have to rethink our current production methods, especially concerning energy development. With the project "Syndustry" the iGEM team Marburg focuses on implementing a new production platform for bioproducts, especially biofuels and high value chemicals, to give rise to a realistic alternative to fossil fuels and biofuel production. "Syndustry – Fuse. Produce. Use" combines the naturally given advantages of various model organism strains. For this, teh team created an artificial endosymbiosis between different organisms, mainly S. cerevisiae and E. coli. The organisms can be specialized to overcome bottlenecks for improvement of biotechnological productions or can even grant possibilities for productions that have not been established to date.

Project despricption